Snap, pop quiz! FTW I wasn't expecting it at all. Thankfully it went well considering I got all the answers, I think. Whether they are correct or not we shall see. With that being last quiz (2E04), I now can officially skip all circuits classes and do not have to worry about it until the next thing which is the final exam, that is not to be studied until the arrival of April 21st. Lol. I'm annoyingly lazy and hard to get serious, even in studies. Sigh.
I was doing my report with my lab partner at Thode just now and oh boy it was like a reunion or something because apparently a whole lot of engineers were working on their assignments/projects this night. I talked to more people just now compared to the total of people I talked to for the whole day. It was fun though. Enjoy it~
Someone quoted this; "Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together". Experience wise, this is 100% valid. You probably know how to verify this theoretically, but since my Emo mood is on, I might as well ramble on what I want to. Hold on! *Putting on my eyeliner, hand socks, hoodie, and turn on Mayday Parade music* Alright kids listen up, screw that glass, go out and buy a new glass. Or better yet, just settle for a crystal. Or don't have any glass or crystal at all. Whatever, get a smoothie or something. But like seriously, I was the fool trying to fix it but hey I've learned well. Clap Clap** Lolz.
Tomorrow we're gonna eat at this Italian restaurant and I am pretty excited about it. Regardless of the hardcoreness I must go through tomorrow (test at 8.30am, lab report due 2.30pm, and lab til 5.30pm), I will show up at the dinner. And although next week is promised to be a very busy one, a picnic on Good Friday is still on and I wanna play dodgeball! Can improvise my arm swinging skill which may be useful in hitting anyone in the future. Haha. Kidding.
I love random photos. :D

Stay Babelicious Gurls. Xoxo~
CherryBee xx
hate to see myself in those pictures..looks