Just when I thought my life couldn't get any harder, I'm excited to find out our TA's for this term are just amazingly good looking. *blushing* My lab assistant for Thermodynamics lab, Mathew Ball, I think, is easy to say simply handsome. Alright, I admit I went through the course website just to find out his real name. He was wearing this black coat that reminds me so much of Marc Darcy. How adorable~ That should keep me motivated during the lab!
Apart from that, in Math 2ZZ3 tutorial today, our TA turn out to be a cute and amazingly intelligent guy! He looks young and I must say he is very well mannered through out the class not to mention his great sense of humour. Wow, if only this world consists people of those two types I just mentioned; good looking, intelligent, well-mannered, and nice!
Other than that, I must mention also my course coordinator for Music 1AA3, Joe Argentino is gorgeous as well! He always makes the lecture so interesting and I can listen to his lectures for hours. Too bad Music 1AA3 is just my elective course though. I should try getting theirs pictures so that you guys can judge for yourself. Haha now that's just creepy. And NO I won't do that unless it invloves life or death matter, then why not eh.
Hm, I'm sensing a bit of vulnerability in me now. I mean when you're hurted, you tend to easily have crush on others. But this is a exception! I'm in Love with them and it is better this way because I will not skip classes, have something to look forward everyday, and won't end up getting hurted. YAY! <3 I Love My University *wink* Goodnight Hamilton!
Remember "when one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us". So let us find the opened door to happiness and walk through it. Happiness is an abstract but I believe we can find it anywhere as long as we tell ourselves to be happy.
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