Sunday, January 31, 2010
19 : Urghh
18 : Here Kitty Kitty
Yesterday we(the Malaysians) had this meeting for the upcoming cultural show. I must say sunlight was not on my side at that time. I was rather gloomy and moody. So I said I'm not gonna get involved, mainly because of something but I'm not gonna say it here. It might sounds childish. Lol. Then when they gave me the wrong size for the tshirt, I just exploded. I was like "Well I'm NOT gonna wear it then" while buckling my belt. "Snap!", I broke the buckle. Damn! I effing love that jacket. Great, Thanks guys for this. Grr.. Well I did text the president saying sorry for my behaviour but I'm not that guilty because I did ask for other size and I am paying for it. So yeah whatever.
Come on summer, hurry up! I wanna go home, I miss my family and friends so much. I wanna hug my mum :( I do have lots of friends here though but the stress from studying is making me feel non intelligent because everyone here is so smart.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
17 : Permanent Marker!
And my sis, Shasha thanks for the song "Tied Together with a Smile" you posted on facebook. I've listened to it and I love it so much. I know we weren't close before but when stuff like this happens, it surprisingly makes us closer. You know you are my only sister, and I love you. Thanks for everything and definitely thanks for being caring towards me!
16 : Gone but will never be forgotten
I'm sorry to hear what happened. I know it's hard for you have to go through this painful moment. Losing someone we love will never be easy. You told me to pray for your friend's recovery the other day and suddenly I heard that he's gone. I hope you will stay strong. The only thing we can do now is to always pray for him. I can't help but to think of myself in your shoes right now, what would I do. I went to sleep thinking about this and I had a dreamt of my dad. In that dream I cried so hard because I really miss him and I haven't been a good daughter lately. What I can do instead of reminiscing is to pray for him, and that will Insyaallah help him.
My friend, sometimes we can't help what has been planned by God. Have faith that God loves him more. If there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know. I will try my best. I've been in your position before and at that time my friends comforted me every single minute. As sad as I was, and still am, but at the same time I am grateful for His blessings on me with such kind people around all my family who constantly try to help us and pray for my dad. Seeing people sad especially when losing someone despairs me a lot. How I wish I could take your and everyone's pains away and tears from humans' eyes will never touch the earth again.
A reminder to myself, our lives are short. We will never know what is ahead of us. We can only plan, but God decides. And that to always care for your loved ones. Don't ever take them for granted even for a minute because you can never know when will you see them again. Maybe by then it's too late. Trust me, you don't want it to be too late. Because if it's too late, no matter how sorry you are or how many times you say you love that person, he or she will not know. That's the reason why I always say sorry when I have made mistakes, that is why I treasure the people I love in my life so much, and that's why I care for each and every single one of you who has been in my life. Take note, myself and everyone, let them know you love them and don't take them for granted, please.
Take care my friend, and be strong. Insyaallah, God will listen to your prayers.
15 : The Gateway
Now I'm gonna start on new series to watch, How I Met Your Mother is on my list. I haven't been watching CSI for a while mainly because Grissom left the team and it's not as interesting as when he was around. But probably will start after midterm season or else I'm screwed! Either way, I'm just disappointed with Dexter. Hopefully there will be season 5 soon.
Friday, January 29, 2010
14 : La Serva Pradonna
And I did something which I'm not sure whether it's right or wrong. I think it's right, because it felt right, and I know it's right. I guess because "it's" still there somehow. I just dont wanna perceive as just another person. To be sought only when needed. But when event like last night occurs, that's when I feel I am still the one, perhaps. Maybe not now, but sooner or later, who knows. After then I might be sought, eventually, hopefully. Though I must say I don't usually get what I wish for in this particular context. It's like haunting me, but it's making me smile. :)
P/s : I've spent nearly $21 on cab fares this week! Sorry people in Thornedale and Northfolk, I might have to consider coming after this or I'll be broke. Haha.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
13 : Camouflage
Lesson learnt for the infinite times, don't do last minute studying. Last weekend I spent my Sunday studying for 1AA3 so yeah I guess I should manage time better. My day wasn't that great. Apart from not getting enough sleep which eventually effects my mood, my heart feels "numb". I really don't know what to feel anymore.
Yesterday, well technically speaking this morning, was very brutal. The last time I remember someone said something so mean to me was early last year. And I never fought back. This time the vulgarity wasn't as bad as the last time, but insulting people is never right. This time the pain is completely different. It's not the feeling of heartbroken that occurs, it is more of the feelings of surprise, unexpected, disappointed, and empty.
Yes I should probably stop talking about this, but hey it is my blog so I guess pouring all my emotions out here is not a crime. :) Perhaps I shall present a list of "my characteristics" to the next guy, which is not predicted to happen until many many many years to come. I've tried to be the best person, the best friend, the best daughter, the best girl, and the best student. But in the end, it never seems to be enough. Not for humans, because they can never say it's enough.
I am sometimes childish, I am sometimes "gedik", I am sometimes annoying, I am sometimes picky, I am sometimes arrogant, I am sometimes spoiled, I am sometimes lazy, I am sometimes "too dependent" on the people I love. But hey that's me, and these characteristics are not what's making me, they're just little bits of emotions that exist in all of us. I admit I am really dependent on the people I love, because I enjoy the moment of being pampered.
Now that no one is pampering me (besides my awesome family and friends), I might as well pamper myself. What's next? I'm gonna get chocolates or ice cream or smoothies or better yet, I'm gonna bake cupcakes! Now that's a rejoice.
Aside : My little Hangel, you're so cuteeee! gRRr... I can't stand it, the cutest cat with wings ever! I love youu for letting me hug you everytime I go to sleep!
Mum says be nice. Mum says be patient. Mum says if people do bad things we dont have to follow them. Mum says if we keep quiet and be nice instead of cursing and bombing the F-word, we're actually winning. I'm doing this for you mum. And because of you, I will be strong and I will be patient.
Does it feel good to put people down? Does it feel good to feel you're winning? Does it feel awesome to make people cry? It does right? You feel like you're the most powerful person alive right?
I'm not you. I won't be like you. I don't ever wanna be like you. If people think they can fuck people around by pushing us around, putting us down, Well you can tell them to fuck themselves and kiss your fucking ass. Fucking shit I really don't swear this much but I have limits, and I learn we are fucking dumbass if we are too nice to people. Why? Because once you turn away, they will stab you in the HEART! from the back constantly until you have no more heart to beat, no more blood to bleed, and no more voice to scream!
Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010
10 : RADAR
Should I get an IPOD or Nokie N97? If I get an IPOD that means I have to bring my phone+IPOD everytime I'm leaving the house. Which is a big no no because I'm a fan of simplicity. However, IPOD costs around $200 which is like $300 less than getting a new phone.
On the other hand, if I decided to go with Nokia N97, it costs me nearly $500! Although I must say that's quite a bargain, I'm not sure whether I can take care of such an expensive phone. But the phone is perfect except for the fact it doesn't have any pink screen saver background.
Last option is not to get any of them and just save money or go shopping. Well yeah sure my friends all say go shopping no doubt! Aww I miss going out shopping with my girls! Anyhow, this is confusing, which should I go with, what should I do, who should I listen to?? Alright that's enough, I should REALLY be worried about the upcoming tests and assignments rather than this. And MARA please send in my allowance, it's 23rd of the month already.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
09 : Double Double

Sometimes I feel like I'm a pain in the ass for you. I'm sorry you have to listen to all my problems all the time or listen to my dexter updated story 24/7.
But I want you to know that I am so grateful to have a friend like you. I know sometimes I'm pissing you off with my attitude but thank you for still being nice to me.
What would I do if you're not here. Because you helped me a lot in this particular hard moment in my life and words can't never express my gratitude to you.
I consider you as one of my best friends and I see now why your life is so beautiful filled with happiness and success, because you are indeed a beautiful person inside and outside.
Love you. I wish you the best with him. xoxo

Although we rarely spend time together, but when we do it's awesome! That rocker chic inside of you definitely good especially when you support my anger towards someone. haha.
Technically speaking you're the only senior here but still you're the best senior ever! More like friends than senior actually. :P
And thanks for the sweet comments you always post to enlighten my day. I really appreciate it. You are such a kind hearted person although you can be crazy sometimes.
Love ya. xoxo.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
08 : WHAT THE F!
Monday, January 18, 2010
07 : Epitaxy
06 : Symphony
Lazying around, more Dexter, golden globes, groceries, internet and sleep. haha. I called it chillex-ing day, don't be jealous. :D
He texted me. :O Excited? Scared? Nervous? AAAA.. If only I could turn back time.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
05 : Fire Ball
This week I went to school almost everyday at 8am and came back home after 10pm. Ain't that crazy?
Monday - went to Fana's religious studies class
Tuesday - Asian in FOCUS meet up night
Wednesday - MSA(Muslim Students Association) talk
Thursday - Music class and hangout with Agnita
Friday - Lab and Usrah and hang out with friends
Saturday - Library and assignments and Subway
Wow I can say my week is pretty much filled with activities. Now for the laziest part, doing assignments and studying. Gahh.. Put on your thinking cap Sabrina and let's roll! Hope you guys are having an awesome weekend. Words of encouragement for myself and all of you! :)
Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all
Believe me cuz now it's time to try
Don't wait the chance will pass you by
Time's out to figure it out
You can't say it's too late
Saturday, January 16, 2010
04 : Clandestine
Thursday, January 14, 2010
03 : Ballroom
or life is full of shit
While other people say life is beautiful
or life is full of surprises
I must say, I agree with all those
Life is whatever you think of it.. and everything you think of it
Life is what you make of it and what you say of it
Life is about sadness
Life is about happiness
Life is about pain
Life is miserable
Life is about loss
Life is about smiling
Life is about crying
Life is about love
Life is about laughter
Life is about learning from your mistakes
Life is horrible
Life is dumb
Life is awesome
Life is depression
Life is tears
Life is sorrow
Life is anxiety
Life is Bullshit
Life is spectacular
Life is being with people you love
Life sucks
I could go on and on and tell you all about life
But I'm not here to sort this out for you
Life is all about you and how you treat it
You criticize it.. Well you're actually criticizing yourself
You hate it, You like it, You love it. It's all up to you
Life is YOU so be careful how you describe it.
( I personally hate people who keep complaining about life. Honestly sometimes I do feel life is challenging, but sometimes I feel life is beautiful. Either way, don't ever complain about life. Cry, laugh, smile, scream, or even punch your bedroom wall. But then pick up all the pieces and put them back together.
My life is definitely like a roller-coaster ride and I'm about to reach the peak of it. Why? Because that's the scariest and the hardest part. Hey you need to have normal force bigger than gravity or else you'll fall. However, it promises you one thing, you will get through it and eventually enjoy it. )
p/s : I miss all of you guys. I wish everyone is here to make me feel better instantly. xoxo ;)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
02 : Twin Paradox
Just when I thought my life couldn't get any harder, I'm excited to find out our TA's for this term are just amazingly good looking. *blushing* My lab assistant for Thermodynamics lab, Mathew Ball, I think, is easy to say simply handsome. Alright, I admit I went through the course website just to find out his real name. He was wearing this black coat that reminds me so much of Marc Darcy. How adorable~ That should keep me motivated during the lab!
Apart from that, in Math 2ZZ3 tutorial today, our TA turn out to be a cute and amazingly intelligent guy! He looks young and I must say he is very well mannered through out the class not to mention his great sense of humour. Wow, if only this world consists people of those two types I just mentioned; good looking, intelligent, well-mannered, and nice!
Other than that, I must mention also my course coordinator for Music 1AA3, Joe Argentino is gorgeous as well! He always makes the lecture so interesting and I can listen to his lectures for hours. Too bad Music 1AA3 is just my elective course though. I should try getting theirs pictures so that you guys can judge for yourself. Haha now that's just creepy. And NO I won't do that unless it invloves life or death matter, then why not eh.
Hm, I'm sensing a bit of vulnerability in me now. I mean when you're hurted, you tend to easily have crush on others. But this is a exception! I'm in Love with them and it is better this way because I will not skip classes, have something to look forward everyday, and won't end up getting hurted. YAY! <3 I Love My University *wink* Goodnight Hamilton!
Remember "when one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us". So let us find the opened door to happiness and walk through it. Happiness is an abstract but I believe we can find it anywhere as long as we tell ourselves to be happy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
01 : Missing wedding ring

Today started with the lazy feeling of waking up as usual when you have 8.30am class. I don't know how long I can keep up with it but hopefully until end of the term. Not much interesting happening in class except I got the same lab partner, Tom, both for "electricity and magnetism" lab and "thermodynamics" lab. He looked so sleepy and this was as far as our conversation went.
Tom : "Lab partner again?"
Sabrina : "Sure!...."
"Is this the first class for you?" (now is the second week)
Tom : "Yeahhh.."
Sabrina : "Where have you been?!"
Tom : "I've been sleeping! I just woke up and rushed here."
What?? Seriously Tom how do you manage not coming to class, even last year, but still obtained good results?! Before that me and Fana were late to labs because the bus came late and we were like thinking of getting a gun and say to the driver "Drive now! Faster! Faster!". That will be wicked!
Anyhow, got home and watched Dexter again. Yeah dull me, but hey he makes me happy! Someone is trying to kill him now, but nobody messes with Dexter! He will escape and eventually find you.
Later that night there was this event called "Asian in Focus General Meeting". I wasn't thinking of going but I figured what the heck. At least you get your mind off something else. So I went there and not surprisingly all of them were chinese. At the entrance Fana was like "Oh we're Asians". Lol at that statement.
So started out by playing pool. This is my second time EVER playing pool and I never hit any ball before. But this caucasian guy, Chris, taught me how to play it and I think I'm good at it! The question is though, why was he the only caucasian guy there!
Afterwards we played lots of "interesting" games. There are a few but I am not going to mention all though. The first game involves three groups. You have to pass a banana from the front to the back of the line. The fastest team wins. Sounds simple right. Only that the first person has to put the banana between his legs and the second person has to transfer it using the neck and put it between the next person's legs. Also the group members are aligned alternate in gender. You get the picture? A guy starts with a banana between his legs, girl grabs it with her neck, girl puts it between the next guy's legs. How disturbing. Haha.
Since it took me a whole paragraph to explain one game, I think I am going to leave it there only. Other games are just as disturbing as that but you guys can find out later when I host an event. ;)
Well I guess that's it for today, let me end today's beautiful weather with a quote that says "Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by".
Do not dwell in sadness all the time as it will kill you from the inside, slowly. Think about the little things that make life great and find joy and happiness in any way possible so that you will always wake up with a smile on your face. :)
Monday, January 11, 2010
00 : Fourier
Today I woke up at 7.00am. That is considered peculiar to me since my class starts at 10.30am, but that will do. I've developed flu and sore throat yesterday and now it feels like I'm catching a fever. Don't panic! Luckily my mum packed me a whole lot of medications for all type of sickness, Thanks MUM. Later that afternoon I went for my hearing session. I had to defend my case on the assignments where me and one of my friends over here received a penalty of 0. It's a long story but basically he copied and pasted the solutions, and now we both got 0 for an assignment that's worth 5%. I told them the truth and admitted my fault of willingly lending my soft copy solution to him. Whether the Adjudicator will approve it or not, it is to be determined later. I've tried my best in obtaining the marks that I worked so hard for and I'm going to be satisfied with whatever the outcome is.
In class 2E04 (circuits), the guys in my class wouldn't stop making jokes at our professor. I know he's from Japan (I'm assuming) and he's accent is weird but come on guys, this is week 2 already. I find it kind of rude if you keep laughing at him. But I do admit it tickles me hearing him referring "current source" as "CUM source". Haha. Dirty minded people we have here. Music class was fun, we were listening to Symphony No.45, III by Mozart and I am officially in love with Classical Era music. However, identifying when the minuet key of AA BBAA and trio CC DD is challenging enough not to mention we have to memorize the history of it. Hey, this is the reason why we're here anyway, to STUDY. Do not ever forget that.
I'm watching my Dexter now while having honey oats cereal. Better hit the sack soon, my class starts at 8.30am tomorrow. I miss talking to my mum and she hasn't been online for a while now. The last time I talked to her was on Wednesday or Thursday. I miss you Mak, Lukey, n Kakak. Goodnight. :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 8 : The Final Ceremony
Happy 21st Birthday! May your life will be blessed always by God and that it is filled with nothing but joy and happiness. I sent him the last letter wishing him a Happy Birthday. I do admit letting these all go makes my heart sore. This is a melancholic story. But I know this is the best and the right thing to do right now. Let us both focus on studies.
If we're destined to be together, fate will bring us in the end. I will always pray for your success and happiness. Do know that I will always be your friend, and that if you need anything just let me know. I will try my best to always be there for you. Having Hangel around makes me happy and I will take care of it until forever.
Love is never wanting to lose faith, never wanting to give up, and never truly move on. Love is knowing and praying in the deepest part of what's left of your heart that they feel the same.
Take care and do enjoy your day. You turn 21 once only in your life and let it be a good one. I love you. Goodbye.
Day 7 : Sweet N' Sour

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 6 : Bipolar

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Deela's 21st Bday!

Day 5 : Contaminated
Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, pain of love lasts a lifetime. Why dear.. why.. Is "I miss you" not enough? or Is "I love you" not enough? Or is it the word "Goodbye" you're longing to hear. Please tell me, so that I can say the right word for your ears to hear.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 4 : Radiation Decay
"Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing."
- I let you be my everything, and if you go I will have nothing. Yes true I still have my family and friends whom I love a lot, but you are the other half of my heart. By any logic that exists in this world, no human can live with only one half of the heart. ILY Always.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Killing is an obsession
Je taime
Day 3 : Forgive me for missing you
I'm sorry for missing you. I'm sorry for thinking of you. I'm sorry for needing you. I'm sorry for wanting you. I'm sorry for loving you.
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, loves someone else. But deep in me, I know you still love me. ILY.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Mirror mirror, hanging on the wall, you don't have to tell me who's missing him the most of all
I'd miss you, I believe
That's what I'd do if you leave me
Emotions are kept under my sleeve
So my prayers to you I'd give
Please stay a bit longer
For I may see you again never
And you leaving isn't for the better
Surely I'd miss you sooner or later
Everyday I miss you more and more
It makes my heart feel so sore
Thinking of the way things were,
I'd like to go back
to the times we had before.
(Femi Escalante)
Hope you're doing fine over there focusing on your studies. IMY.
Day 2 : Love Bites!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hot As Ice
A Better Tomorrow
But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow
My days of sadness are a thing of the past
Because I have found true love at last
My days of emptiness are gone for good
Because you fill a void in my heart that you should
You've opened the window
You've shown me the light
And my love for you will continue to burn bright.
-Yvonne Warren
p/s : You know who you are. ILY
Day 1 : Miserable at its best